6 MB Free Ram for 16 bit graphics(Thousands of colors).
13"(640x480) Monitor with support for at least 256 Colors.
15 MB Hard Drive Space.
QuickTime version 2.0 or later.
Sound Manager version 3.0 or later.
2. Installation-
To install QuickShot Deluxe double click on the ‘QuickShot DX Install.sea’ icon. You will then be asked to select a destination folder to install the application in. Approximately 19 MB free space on your hard drive is required for installation. Click ‘Save’ once you have selected a destination folder. Installation will begin.
3. Registration-
Unregistered users can only play five of the eighty levels. The five levels are levels 1, 5, 14, 32, and 56. Unregistered users can not play any custom created levels, save a game, nor open a saved game. Registered users can play all eighty levels as well as any custom created levels, save games, and open saved games. To register your copy send $10 along with the serial number that appears on the registration screen that appears when you start the application to:
Jim Plamondon
191 W. Langston St.
Upland, CA 91786
I'll mail you a password specific for your serial number which when entered will register your version. The registration screen will no longer appear and you will be able to play all eighty levels, save your games, and open saved games.
4. System Setup-
To optimize performance on your computer make sure that your monitor resolution is set to 640x480. The mouse speed should be set to high. It can be adjusted using the mouse control panel. If enough physical RAM is available virtual memory should be turned off. QuickShot Deluxe requires 4.5 MB free RAM to run with 8 bit graphics(256 colors) and 6 MB free RAM to run with 16 bit graphics(thousands of colors). If you wish to minimize the amount of memory required, set your monitor depth to 256 colors before starting the QuickShot application. QuickShot Deluxe requires Sound Manager version 3.0 or later and QuickTime version 2.0 or later.
5. Starting a New Game-
To start a new game select ‘New Game’ from the ‘File’ menu or use the keyboard shortcut(cmd-N). If there is already a game in progress you will be asked to confirm that you want to abort the current game and begin a new one. If you abort the game in progress any score which you may have accumulated will be lost.
6. Opening a Saved Game-
To open a saved game select ‘Open Saved Game’ from the ‘File’ menu or use the keyboard shortcut(cmd-O). If there is already a game in progress you will be asked to confirm that you want to abort the current game and begin a new one. If you abort the game in progress any score which you may have accumulated will be lost.
7. Level Preview-
Before loading each level, a dialog box will appear previewing the next level. It will contain a small picture of the upcoming level along with the level’s number and name. If you have selected the 'Use Custom Levels' menu option then the word 'Custom' will appear in red letters, indicating that the custom settings which you have stored for that level will be loaded rather than the default settings. Also contained within the dialog box will be your cumulative stats, consisting of your score, average reaction time, and percent accuracy. If you are just beginning a new game and are starting level one then there will be no statistics. Most often three buttons will be present. The buttons will be labeled ‘Save Game’, 'Quit', and ‘Continue’. Click on the ‘Continue’ button when you wish to leave the level preview and load the next level. Clicking on the ‘Save Game’ button will allow you to save your game in progress. You must save your game before beginning the next level. You can not save your game while a level is in progress. If you are starting a new game, have already saved your game, or are restoring a saved game, then the ‘Save Game’ button will not be present. Clicking on the 'Quit' button will exit the game.
8. Game Play-
A variety of bad guys will appear in front of you. You must shoot them before they can shoot you. You should strive for both accuracy and quickness.
9. Game Display-
Your current player’s status is displayed at the top of the game screen. The number of bullets which you have in your gun is displayed at the top left of the screen. The number of shells displayed along the top represents the number of bullets which you have in your gun. The number of lives which you have is displayed at the top right of the screen. The number of gun icons displayed along the top represents the number of lives which you have remaining.
10. Gun Types-
There are two different gun types which you will use in the game. The revolver is used in levels one through forty. The revolver can hold a maximum of six bullets. An automatic pistol is used in levels forty-one through eighty. The automatic can hold a maximum of fourteen bullets.
11. Shooting-
To shoot at a bad guy or bonus item, position the mouse cursor at the location where you want to shoot, then either click or hold down the mouse button. You should then hear a shot fired from your gun. If you are out of ammo then no shot will be fired.
12. Reloading-
To reload your gun position the mouse cursor at the bottom center of the game screen so that it is over the image of your hand. Click on the mouse button and your ammo should be reloaded. The ammo display at the top left of the screen should increase to the maximum which your type of gun can hold. The revolver can hold six bullets. The automatic can hold fourteen bullets.
13. Bonus Items-
From time to time bonus items will appear on the screen. The bonus items appear as yellow diamonds with different icons and text contained within the diamonds. Shoot the bonus item before it disappears to receive the bonus.
The unlimited ammo bonus gives you unlimited ammo for a period of 30 seconds. During the 30 second period the amount of ammo that you have will not decrease, regardless of the amount of shots that you fire. During the 30 second period you will not have to reload. At the end of the period you will hear a chime which repeats three times, alerting you that your unlimited ammo bonus is about to run out.
Shooting the extra life bonus will add another life to your player. Another life will be added to the display in the top right of the game screen.
14. Pausing the Game-
The game can be paused while a level is in progress by selecting ‘Pause’ from the ‘Game’ menu or by using the keyboard shortcut(cmd-P). A chime sound will be heard indicating that the game has been paused. If the Finder or an application other than QuickShot Deluxe is selected the game will be automatically paused. Select ‘Resume Game’ or use the keyboard shortcut(cmd-P) to resume play.
15. Levels-
There are eighty levels of play. As the levels progress the speed of the bad guys will increase. As the speed of the bad guys increases you will have less time to shoot them before they shoot you. Your weapon for the first 40 levels is the revolver which has a six shot capacity. Your weapon for the last forty levels is the automatic pistol which has a 14 shot capacity.
16. Editing Levels-
Selecting 'Edit Level' from the 'Edit' menu will bring up a dialog asking you which level you wish to edit. You can edit and store values for 80 levels(Levels 1-80). A new dialog will then appear. At the top of the dialog it will state the level which you are editing. You can change the settings for the level on the left side of the dialog. The currently saved settings for this level are listed down the right side of the dialog. The settings which you can change are the number of bad guys, the interval between bad guys, the speed of bad guys, and the gun type for that level. The number of bad guys variable is the number of bad guys that will appear on that level. The interval between bad guys willl adjust the amount of time that elapses between the death of a bad guy and the appearance of a new one. The speed of the bad guys controls the speed of their movements and therefore the amount of time that you have to react. The gun type selects whether the revolver or automatic pistol will be used for that level. When you are done entering your settings for the level which you are editing hit the 'Enter' button. Changing the settings for a custom level does not affect the settings for the default level.
17. Playing Custom Levels-
Eighty custom levels can be created and saved, one for each of the default levels. You can choose to either play with your custom level settings or the default ones. Selecting 'Use Custom Levels' from the 'Game' menu will cause the game to load your custom level settings the next time that it loads a game level. If you wish to return to playing the default settings select 'Use Default Levels' from the game menu. You can confirm whether you are about to play a custom or default level when the level preview screen appears. If you are about to play a level using custom settings the word 'Custom' will appear in red on the level preview screen. If it is not present then you are about to play the level using the default settings.
18. Game Over-
When you have no more lives left the game is over. Your final score and statistics will be displayed along with whether your scores were good enough to make any one of the high score lists. If they are you will be notified as to which lists you made and prompted to enter your name.
19. Scoring-
For every shot that you fire 10 points will be deducted from your score. If you shoot a bad guy before they shoot you then you will receive 100 points. You will also receive 20 points for each bonus item that you shoot.
20. High Scores-
Selecting ‘QuickShot’s Best’ from the ‘Scores’ menu will bring up the high score lists. The three high score lists are ‘Top Scores’, ‘Fastest Guns’, and ‘Dead Eyes’. The ‘Top Scores’ list contains the names of the ten players with the highest point totals. The ‘Fastest Guns’ list contains the names of the ten players with the quickest reaction time. The ‘Dead Eyes’ list contains the names of the ten players with the highest shooting accuracy.
21. Erasing the High Scores-
Selecting ‘Erase High Scores ‘ from the ‘Scores’ menu will cause a dialog box to appear. The dialog box contains three check boxes, one for each of the three high score lists. Check the score lists that you wish to erase and uncheck those which you do not. Then click on the ‘Erase’ button to erase the checked high score lists.
22. Error Reporting-
QuickShot Deluxe is designed to detect and report abnormal situations before they can cause serious problems. These measures are designed to prevent the program or system from freezing or crashing. If an error is reported a suggestion to remedy the situation will be given if one is available. If no suggestion is available then the error may be memory related. Try allocating more memory to the QuickShot Deluxe application. If you have a problem, question, or comment please let me know by either writing or sending email. My addresses are: